Carolyn go and me (aka Gerlingo and Me)


after the west block (After the last blog)

… using Siri I was recommended another free speech to text

… App to try out. 

… I am finding that this app is even more difficult to use Dan (than) Siri was

… . actually (Actually) it’s a lot more frustrating to (too). Every time I say fool (full) stop it seems to stop working completely. Apart from

… then. I think I spoke too soon…

Your lingo (Gerlingo) is an app that are (a) Twitter user recommended (+ me) to try

… . but (But) I don’t think it’ll be an app that I recommend to my readers to try it (out). It is free but Siri was much better at keeping up with

… what I was saying.

If anybody would like me to try other free apps that are dyslexia friendly then please get in touch and I will try them out from my iPad.

This experiment has been a little bit of a disaster.

(I am sorry that I didn’t do as full an entry with Gerlingo as I had with Siri. It kept stopping after a few words, as you can see above. I was finding myself getting even more frustrated than I had when I was using Siri to write for me and I really wasn’t prepared to throw my iPad out the window because of an app.

Please also check out ‘An Example of Android Speech to Text’ by Alternative Wiring which is in a similar vein. Hopefully we can help you to find the best free apps that are dyslexia friendly!)

Posted on May 22, 2015, in Awareness, Education and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Yikes, how frustrating!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah one to avoid! Very temperamental app. It had choices of add ons too, but I’m glad I didn’t pay anything for it or I would have been tearing my hair out!


  2. Oh dear god – what a mess! I can’t imagine how long the editing to make it make sense must have taken.

    Liked by 1 person

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