Monthly Archives: December 2014

#UKBA15 – Thank You

A MASSIVE ‘thank you’ to those of you who nominated and voted for Dyslexia and Me in the UK Blog Awards. The voting closed last night and those going through to the next round will be announced in the next couple of weeks.

I really appreciate all the support given with reposting, reblogging and retweeting too! You guys are wonderful!

Much love to you all x

Dyslexia and Me: Busy Bee Vision

Honeycomb Lenses

Honeycomb Lenses

I have previously discussed the new glasses I received from my optician with prisms put into them. They really haven’t made any difference to my vision despite it seeming very different when I was in the optician’s chair. I am very open to trying a variety of lenses to see if I can find a solution to my visual problems.

I was talking to a lovely optician called Robert Longhurst on one of the Facebook dyslexia groups about visual dyslexia. He asked me if I had tried honeycomb lenses to reduce my migraines. I had never even heard of honeycomb lenses before!!!

We discussed the options my optician had given me with the prisms, the educational psychologist and learning support people ruling our Irlen lenses and other options that people have suggested to me in the past. Robert was very nice and sent me some honeycomb lenses to try out and I jumped at the opportunity of trying something new.  Read the rest of this entry

Dyslexia: Dysassemble pt. 2

Today I decided it was time to start posting my own content onto Dyslexia: Dysassemble. I am going to use that as the ‘Me’ side of Dyslexia and Me to help to add to the diversity of the other dyslexic contributors on the new blog.

I’ve decided to post up book reviews. Now when I say ‘book reviews’ the first one is only a hundred words or so. It takes a lot for me to read books, but reading a review of a book I am even less so inclined to do. I wanted to do it though to show what I have been reading and what I took from it (if it was an enjoyable read or if I ended up throwing a book across a room in frustration).

I’m also planning on adding photography to the page amongst other bits and pieces. I’m really wanting the blog to be a celebration of variety and differences to show that dyslexia is more than a difficulty and more of an ability.

If you would like to read my first every book review, then go here: