Monthly Archives: February 2015

#blogging4charity Challenge

I am trying to raise £1000 this year for the British Dyslexia Association through JustGiving. So far I have raised £0 and now I am about to up my game!

Through March I am going to post one blog per day (oh my goodness) on a variety of topics. Yes, it’s the ‘Me’ part of ‘Dyslexia and Me’ in hope to draw in more readers and hopefully more donations *crosses fingers*

I’m not looking for a large individual donations, even £1/$1 will make a massive difference!

Please support my blogging challenge throughout March and help me get off the ground with my #blogging4charity £1000 target!

Dyslexia and Me: My Ideal App

Having joined in with #AXSChat for the last few weeks, I have been thinking a lot about assistive technology. I also get a lot of Twitter accounts of various apps add and Tweet to me about their product. A lot of them seem quite similar when I’ve looked at them. A lot seem to be aimed towards young learners rather than for adults and adolescents.

I thought I would write a blog about what would make my ideal app for my dyslexia and scotopic sensitivity syndrome as recently graduated mature student and someone who would like to read and write more. I think it would be a ‘super’ app with all the things I’d like in one thing rather in the various I have already, but here goes!   Read the rest of this entry

#DDChat 26th February 2015 Questions

Tomorrow is the second #DDChat on Twitter. #DDChat is a monthly chat dedicated to all things dyslexia related. It takes place on the last Thursday of each month, 8-10pm GMT using the hashtag #DDChat.

The first hour (8-9pm) will consist of a variety of questions (listed below) and the second hour (9-10pm) is an open chat to discuss all things dyslexia.  Read the rest of this entry

#DDChat – This Thursday

I am moving #DDChat from Dyslexia: Dysassemble over here as there is no traffic to the other blog. It had a positive start but without help it nose-dived.

So #DDChat, the monthly Twitter chat dedicated to all things dyslexia is this Thursday 8-10pm GMT.

The first hour will consist of a number of questions. I will post the questions on here tomorrow. The second hour is a ‘free for all’ chat.

I will add more details on this blog in due course. I hope to see some of you on Thursday 🙂

Dyslexia and Me: Dyslexia Diagnosis on the NHS?


This is a question I have seen brought up on social networks in the last few weeks. Should the NHS in the UK play a part in diagnosing people with dyslexia?  Read the rest of this entry

Dyslexia and Me: It’s Personal

Dyslexia is just about reading and writing isn’t it? Think again!

Ok now stop! Shower Time!

Ok now stop! Shower Time!

Recently I was discussing the personal hygiene of dyslexic children on one of the dyslexia forums. Reading the stories of the struggles mothers were having getting their kids to brush their teeth, brush their hair, take a shower or bath or even making sure they were clean and dry after visiting the toilet got me thinking. I remember the problems my mum had trying to get me to shower or brush my teeth, so I thought that this would be an excellent topic to discuss on the blog. It is something I hadn’t really thought of myself, but I do remember the tantrums and bawling matches with my own mum.  Read the rest of this entry

Dyslexia and Me: “Unrecognised dyslexia is costing the UK economy in excess of £1 billion per year”

There is a good fight going on for better help in schools for kids with dyslexia. I see it everyday on social media both from parents on discussion boards to groups like the American Decoding Dyslexia heroes (yes, that is how I see them, heroes and heroines) pushing for change in schools! It’s fantastic to see and I really hope that in the near future there is far better support for kids in school.

However, the battle to support adults with dyslexia doesn’t seem to be heard as loudly. I know I am going back to cover this topic once again, but I feel that this is an issue that is largely unrecognised. When you say ‘dyslexia’ people instantly assume ‘kids’ and ‘school’ not ‘adults’ and ’employment/unemployment’ or ‘prison’.  Read the rest of this entry

Why One Tweet ‘Made My Life’

Well done, @DyslexiaAndMe. You’re who I hope all my kids become when they grow up. #SpedChat #1in5 #youarearockstar #dyslexiaisnotwhoyouare

I joined #SpedChat at almost 3am GMT as I hadn’t heard of it before and I LOVE Twitter chat’s that discuss anything to do with dyslexia or learning disabilities in general. And this one Tweet just made me so happy.

The reason I started blogging was in hope to inspire people with dyslexia to go back into education, if that was what they wanted to do. I’ve started speaking out a lot more on topics that I feel need to be addressed in regards to dyslexia (such as more support for adults or support in the workplace), but initially I just hoped that another person would stumble on the blog and go ‘if she can do it, so can I’. So this one Tweet just made this blogging journey all worthwhile.

Eh… but don’t worry! I’m gonna keep blogging and pushing the topics I feel need to be addressed to the forefront! I’ll keep joining in Twitter chats giving my 2 pennies worth on various topics that relate to dyslexia!

But honestly, I am so humbled by that. It’s made me glad I started blogging! Thank you so much kind Tweeter for making me smile 🙂

The Music of my Childhood

Tell us about a sensation — a taste, a smell, a piece of music — that transports you back to childhood.

It’s very hard for me to pick one single piece of music that transports me back to my childhood. Music has always been so key for me that I can hear a number of tracks that instantly transport me back to various stages of my childhood.

I can remember sitting in my mum’s laundry basket in front of our fireplace pretending I was rocking back and forth in a boat along to…  Read the rest of this entry

One Year of Blogging: Top 5 Blogs of the Year

Yesterday was Dyslexia and Me’s first blog birthday, so here are the most read blogs of the year!

1. Dyslexia and Me: Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome/Irlen Syndrome Awareness Day?

2. Dyspraxia and Me: Is it funny that I cannot swim?

3. Dyslexia and Me: Doing it for the Grown Ups (and women?)

4. Dyslexia and Me: What you see, What I see

5. Dyslexia Awareness Month: #dyslexicselfie