Blog Archives

#blogging4charity – The Final Piece


A massive thank you to everyone who donated to my #blogging4charity stint! Mike R, Dougie, Nicola, Thomas, Mike A, Jamie and an anonymous donor. You have all helped me to raise £101.00 for the British Dyslexia AssociationRead the rest of this entry

#blogging4charity – N is for Nails

I have always been a tomboy. I hated dolls and loved my farm with its little tractor. Although I loved my Care Bears and My Little Ponies, I loved watching Thundercats, He-Man and I wanted Michelangelo the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle action figure for years. I tend to wear minimal make-up if any at all. But there’s one thing I am very girly about. That’s my fingernails.

When I was young, I used to bite my nails when I was nervous. It was a really bad habit and my dad used to constantly tell me that if I didn’t stop biting my nails I’d end up with ‘piggy fingers’. Now, I don’t know what ‘piggy fingers’ are, but it didn’t sound very nice at all.  Read the rest of this entry

#blogging4charity – A is for Assistive Technology

I wrote a blog last week about My Ideal App. I was inspired by taking part in a weekly Twitter chat about accessibility, #AXSChat. Before taking part in the weekly discussions I never really thought about assistive technology and took it for granted at university. However, if I didn’t have the programs on my laptop, attaining my university degree would have been an even bigger mountain to climb.

Most of my experience with assistive technology has been within the education system which is reflected within the blog.  Read the rest of this entry

#blogging4charity – Beginning Again, The Challenge

Aine Mosh

For those who are unfamiliar with my blog, I thought it would be good to start my month of #blogging4charity with a little bit of an introduction to who I am and why I am challenging myself to a blog per day for a month for charity.  Read the rest of this entry

#blogging4charity Challenge

I am trying to raise £1000 this year for the British Dyslexia Association through JustGiving. So far I have raised £0 and now I am about to up my game!

Through March I am going to post one blog per day (oh my goodness) on a variety of topics. Yes, it’s the ‘Me’ part of ‘Dyslexia and Me’ in hope to draw in more readers and hopefully more donations *crosses fingers*

I’m not looking for a large individual donations, even £1/$1 will make a massive difference!

Please support my blogging challenge throughout March and help me get off the ground with my #blogging4charity £1000 target!

JustGiving – One Year to raise £1,000 for British Dyslexia Association!

After disappointing only managing to raise £15.00 for Dyslexia Scotland in the last quarter, I have decided to raise money over the whole of 2015 for British Dyslexia Association.

My target is to reach £1,000 over the year!

If there is anything you would like to see me do on the blog this year that will tempt you into donating to the cause, please leave your suggestions below!

You can donate via

You can donate as little as £1 to the cause!

Dyslexia Awareness Month: Charity Switch

After backing Dyslexia Action for the last quarter, I am now switching the charity! Thanks to your help, I have managed to reach a whopping £103.98 for Dyslexia Action! £100 could help towards the cost of keeping a local centre open for one day!  Read the rest of this entry

Dyslexia Awareness Month: Charity

After three months of raising money for Dyslexia Action through the blog, today is the final day before I switch to my next dyslexia charity. You can sponsor me for as little as £1 to the cause and help make a huge difference to a very deserving charity!

Thank you to all of you who have donated in the last quarter. I am truly humbled how much you’ve all donated and by how charitable my readers are!

One Last Push!

I’ve had a JustGiving link on the right hand column of my page for almost 3 months now. I’ve been trying very hard to raise money for Dyslexia Action for this quarter before I move onto another dyslexia charity. So far I have managed to raise £80, which smashed my original target! I am very happy with that, I really didn’t think I would raise more than £20 over the 3 months.

A few weeks back I did a whole week of #blogging4charity to try to raise a few pounds more. Alas, I only received one donation of £1 towards the cause. To say I am disappointed would be an understatement.

In a last-ditch attempt to reach my target of £100 I am asking you, my lovely readers, to suggest ideas of what I can do on the blog to raise that final £20! Obviously these ideas have to be clean and family friendly. I will be switching to the next charity on the 12th of October, so there is just over 2 weeks to go!

Thanks to all of you who have already donated and I look forward to hearing your suggestions!