Blog Archives

#DDChat – Weekly Twitter Chat [Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia]

What is #DDChat?

For almost a year now, I have been hosting a chat on Twitter called #DDChat. It started off as a monthly thing and only discussing dyslexia, but over the months it has developed and become a weekly event where we discuss dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia. It’s a very friendly worldwide community of neurodiverse people, experts and support groups.  Read the rest of this entry

Dyspraxia and Me: These Boots Were Made For Walking…


One thing I really hate is shopping for new shoes! I have awkward sized feet, I’m a UK 5 1/2 and my feet are wide. Finding shoes that I like that fit me has always been a struggle. Not only is it hard to find shoes in my size that I like, but they have to be flat shoes. I can’t walk in heels. Every time I’ve tried walking even in tiny heels, I’ve ended up falling over or twisting my ankle.

I had a job interview back in January and I only had one pair of smart black shoes. They were little ballet style shoes that I’d picked up for my graduation in July last year. They were perfect for interviews… but not in January in Scotland! Brrrr! So I had to venture around the high street stores in search of some smart black shoes or boots that would be interview worthy. I found these lovely boots (pictured above) in New Look. Not only did I like how they looked but they were wide fit and comfortable and didn’t have a high heel! Perfect! Read the rest of this entry

#DDChat Questions 14th May 2015

After an absence last week (because I was travelling home when it was meant to be on) #DDChat returns to Twitter this evening!

#DDChat New

If you would like to join us then head onto Twitter and look for the hashtag #DDChat!

This week’s questions are listed below.  Read the rest of this entry

#DDChat 30th April

#DDChat New

Hello folks! Just a reminder that tonight on Twitter we have another dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia chat on #DDChat. The details are as above so hopefully you can work out your timezone from there.  Read the rest of this entry

#DDChat Expands

#DDChat New

#DDChat has evolved a lot since I first started it in January. I began as a monthly Twitter chat discussing dyslexia. The first hour always consists of topic questions with the second hour open for anything Tweeters want to discuss incase there were any pressing topics they wanted to discuss. After a few months it became clear that a monthly chat was not enough!  Read the rest of this entry

Dyspraxia, Superpowers and the Doorframes that Bite!

I am often called clumsy. I have been my whole life. From accidentally kicking over pint glasses to falling off walls, I’ve always been a little bit accident prone. Or was it really an accident?

On the way to the kitchen at around 9:30pm last night to make a cup of tea, I was attacked once again by the door frame. It bit me and I thought I was going to end up with another bruise this morning, but the pink marks from last night have faded. I sure was glad that this recent attack by the doorframe happened on the way to the kitchen this time and not when I had a hot cup of tea in my hand.  Read the rest of this entry

Dyspraxia and Me: Is it funny that I cannot swim?

Is it funny that I cannot swim?
And struggle trying to keep trim?
My problems with coordination,
Make any sport a sheer frustration.

Is it funny that I can’t ride a bike?
That my balance skills went out on strike?
So when I climbed a tree or wall,
I was sure that I would always fall.
Read the rest of this entry

Dyslexia Awareness Month: Howl at the Moon

“Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.” — Allen Ginsberg

One of the things I’ve loved about blogging about dyslexia and my own experiences has been learning about things that I thought were personal quirks. The more I look into dyslexia, scotopic sensitivity and dyspraxia, the more I realise that the things I thought that were unique to me that made my friends looked at me weirdly are actually traits rather than quirks. Well, I guess they are still my own quirks as not all the things that apply to me apply to all dyslexics or dyspraxics.

I really want to share my experiences via the blog, all the good stuff, the bad stuff and the madness in between for people to read and go ‘HEY! I do that too!’ and realise, it’s not really that mad at all 🙂

Dyslexia and Me: Beyond Words

I’ll tell you what, it’s bloody hard work trying to bring people together! It’s beyond words! Read the rest of this entry