Blog Archives

#blogging4charity – S is for Study Skills

I have really started to run out of ideas for blogging at the moment. Blogging once a day is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. S was proving to be another tricky letter to write about until just before I sat down I was asked on Twitter about studying for exams! So todays blog is about the study skills I used for college and university for my exams and also for writing essays. Hopefully some of my suggestions will be of use.  Read the rest of this entry

Dyslexia and Me: A Month of Blogging


So I’ve been blogging on Dyslexia and Me for over a month now! It really doesn’t feel that long at all! It has been very exciting so far. I’ve had a lot of positive feedback and it has encouraged me to look into a career in learning support (though I am still searching for answers on where and what to do next, but my dissertation is my main priority the next month or so). Read the rest of this entry

Dyslexia and Me: What you see, What I see

Dyslexia and Me

People often ask me what it’s like visually when I am reading. When you grow up looking through your own eyes, I guess you don’t realise that you’re seeing things so differently until someone asks. The best way I have found to describe my vision is like pixels on a computer or TV screen. Each of the pixels makes up a more solid colour through RGB. When I look at solid colours or shades, I can still see other colours flashing around, though I know it is a white wall or a red book or a pitch black room. Even when there is no light at all, I still see colours. In fact, it becomes even worse! I walk a lot slower and cautiously in the dark because my vision to make out shapes is distorted by flashing ‘pixels’ of colour that cloud my vision. Read the rest of this entry

Dyslexia and Me: The Superhero Inside

The Hulk

Anyone who knows me is aware that when it comes to essay time, I suddenly turn into The Hulk! Or as my boyfriend says ‘The Incredible Sulk’. I find writing excruciatingly difficult! I know what I want to say, but being able to get my ideas from my head onto a page, whether typed or handwritten, is extremely painful. Although I understand writing is difficult for all (which I have been told by non dyslexic students, much to my anger for their ignorance) but with dyslexia it really is an uphill battle. Not all dyslexics have the same problems. For example, my spelling is often on the same level as my non dyslexic family and friends, or sometimes even better! That wasn’t always the case though and I put it down to spending hours type talking to people over the internet without the lazy tlk lyk dis (I may have a rant about txt tlk at a later date). The areas I struggle in are writing and reading rather than spelling. Read the rest of this entry